Employer Benefits

Businesses that support their employees in recovery gain:

Increased productivity

Employees in recovery consistently fulfill their work responsibilities.

Improved Work Culture

Recovery friendly workplaces demonstrate value and care for their employees.

Enhanced Health

Companies save on healthcare costs as health benefits utilization and overall expenses are lower for staff in recovery.

Expanded Safety

Hiring individuals in recovery can be mutually beneficial for employers and employees, fostering a more productive, supportive, and inclusive workplace environment.

Overall, hiring individuals in recovery can be a win-win for both employers and employees, as it can create a more productive, supportive, and inclusive workplace.





Employee Benefits

Employees in recovery gain:

Job Training and Education

The program provides access to job training and education opportunities that can help employees develop new skills and advance their careers.

Job Placement Services

Pathways to Recovery links employees with employers dedicated to hiring individuals in recovery and offers employment services to assist them with job placement. 

Career coaching

The program offers career coaching services to help employees navigate their job search, improve their interviewing skills, and develop strategies for career advancement.

Financial counseling

Pathways to Recovery provides financial counseling services to help employees manage their finances, create budgets, and plan for long-term financial stability.

Supportive workplace culture

Through partnerships with employers, Pathways to Recovery works to create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture that values the contributions of employees in recovery and provides the resources and support they need to succeed.

Ongoing support

The program provides ongoing support to employees, including supportive services and resources to maintain sustainability within their recovery and employment success.

Overall, the NJDOL Pathways to Recovery program provides employees with a range of benefits and resources that can help them achieve long-term success in the workforce and build a foundation for a stable and fulfilling life in recovery.

Join the Pathways to Recovery Initiative

Become a Recovery Friendly Workplace today for free!

Need help now? Call NJ's 24/7 Addiction Helpline at 1-844-732-2465